Course: Reiki I & II


Dates: November 11 – 12, 2017

Time: 9AM-4PM each day (includes one hour lunch breaks)

Location: Chrome Salon, 19 Warren St, Concord, NH

Cost: $300.00 per person


Course Description

The course combines lecture, discussion, and hands-on practice. Participants will receive the First and Second Degree Reiki Manual and a class Certificate upon completion. Instruction will include:

·      Reiki hand positions

·      Giving a complete treatment to oneself and to others

·      Japanese Reikitechniques, as taught by Dr. Usui including:

*meditation, *developing your intuition, *detecting where Reiki in needed, *sending Reiki with the eyes, *using the breath to send Reiki, *dry bathing or clearing ones energy field, *clearing objects of negative energy

·      Hayashi Healing Guide

·      Using Reiki for specific conditions

·      Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits

·      Distance healing

·      Reiki I & II attunements including Reiki II symbols and how to use them


Completion of this course provides participants with the knowledge and ability to perform Reiki on themselves and others, and enables them to continue on to Advanced Reiki and Reiki Master if they desire.

Please call the salon at (603) 224-1123 to reserve a space!

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